“I Spy” Looking Glasses

Can you see what I see? 너도 보이니?

We are always looking for fun ways to merge learning activities with play time and the classic children’s game, “I Spy,” is a perfect opportunity to do just that! “I Spy” is a guessing game where, traditionally, players take turns choosing something in the immediate area and reciting the rhyme “I spy with my little eye, something that is…” and the other players try to guess what the object is based on the singular clue.

One of the great things about this game is its incredible flexibility – you can use colors, shapes, sizes, and other adjectives as clues (or combinations of them); play the game anywhere you happen to be; practice target-language vocabulary… there are so many ways you can tailor it to your own personal needs!

“I Spy” Glasses template available for download on aerilynbooks.com

To make this game even more fun, we added a craft element to it. Our kids love to make things by hand, so this was right up their alley! Plus, it provides the extra benefits of strengthening their pincer grip and exercising their creative skills.

Use our FREE Downloadable Template to make your own looking glasses.

What you need:
🔹 FREE Downloadable “I Spy” Glasses Template
🔹 Colorful Paper or Cardstock
🔹 Kids Scissors
🔹 Heat Resistant Acetate Sheets (Optional)
🔹 Double Sided Tape (Optional)
🔹 Popsicle Stick (Optional)

What you do:
🔸 Print “I Spy” Glasses Template on Colorful Paper or Cardstock
🔸 Cut Along Solid Lines to Create “I Spy” Glasses

🔹 Cut the “Lens” Out of Acetate Sheet and Use Double Sided Tape to Adhere Between the Paper Cut-outs
🔹 Use a Popsicle Stick to Create a Stronger Handle, Taping it Between the Paper Cut-outs
🔹 Decorate with Stickers or Washi Tape

“I spy with my little eye, something that is…”

Use your newly customized looking glasses to play “I Spy” and practice shapes, colors, and vocabulary – your child will love having their very own “magnifying glass” to search for objects around the house! Try playing in your target language, for some bilingual fun, or even go on a bug-hunt – how many activities can you think of for these looking glasses? We’d love to see your ideas in action – tag us in your pictures on Instagram and we just may feature them on our page!

It’s Time to Celebrate!

It’s our birthday and we are in the mood to celebrate! It has been two years since we opened our online shop and started providing bilingual resources for Korean-learning families everywhere – and what a journey it has been!

Vocabulary Card: Birthday | Instagram

What started as a simple desire to create a bilingual book our children would love, has turned into so much more than we could’ve ever imagined! We have made so many friends sharing the same love for the Korean language, shared over 500 vocabulary words on our social media pages, published 4 board books for beginning learners, created almost 50 downloadable worksheets/coloring sheets and posters, hosted virtual book signings and giveaway events, donated to Korean American organizations… and we have more exciting things on the way! And we couldn’t have done any of it without you! So to celebrate, we are giving everyone 10% OFF all purchases* made on aerilynbooks.com, all month long, with coupon code BIRTHDAY – just enter during checkout!

We look forward to another great year as your source for Korean-learning content! 감사합니다!

*Excludes Apparel & Accessories and mugs. Good through August 31, 2020.